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Sponsorship Information

With over 18,000 annual attendees representing all 50 states and over 30 countries, The Midwest Clinic is the largest instrumental music education conference in the world. There is no better place to showcase your company and brand through one of our sponsorship programs.

Sponsorships are available for purchase beginning February 1st through November 1st.  


Sponsor Benefits

In addition to the recognition specific for each sponsorship opportunity, each sponsor will be recognized as follows:

Any sponsorship level:

  • Company name and logo on sponsors page in the official conference program book.
  • Inclusion on sponsors tab in the conference mobile app and website.

Sponsorships of $2,500 or more receive the above benefits plus:

  • Inclusion on the sponsors wall outside the exhibit hall entrances and/or exits
  • Inclusion on sponsors video presentation in Skyline Ballroom W375AB performance hall