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Fort Hunt High School Symphonic Band
George Etheridge, director
Alexandria, VA

Homer Junior High School Honor Band
Adeline Anderson, Nancy Plantinga,  directors
Lockport, IL
Huron High School Symphony Band
John L. Whitwell, director
Ann Arbor, MI
James Madison High School Symphonic Band
Carl J. Bianchi, director
Vienna, VA
Meridian High School Symphonic Band
Tom Fraschillo, director
Meridian, MS
Metropolitan Concert Band
Martin A. Stella, director
East Detroit, MI
Mid-West Directors Reading Band
Paul V. Yoder, director
Chicago, IL
Northshore Concert Band
John P. Paynter, director 
Wilmette, IL
Oconomowoc Junior High School Concert Band
David Reul, director
Oconomowoc, WI
Pioneer High School Symphony Band
Myles A. Mazur, director
Ann Arbor, MI
Spring High School Symphonic Band
Richard Crain, director
Spring, TX
VanderCook College of Music Band
Victor Zajec and Allan Harris, directors
Chicago, IL
Kalamazoo Junior Symphony Orchestra
Robert A. Ritsema, director
Kalamazoo, MI
Mid-West Directors Orchestra
J. Frederick Müller, director
Chicago, IL
Northwest Suburban High School District 214 Symphony Orchestra
Bruce B. Fowler, director
Buffalo Grove-Wheeling, IL
Warren Central High School Symphony Orchestra
Robert O. Beckley, director
Indianapolis, IN
Jazz Ensembles
Cudahy High School Jazz Ensemble
Kerry Dull, director
Cudahy, WI
Air Force Band of Flight
Lt. Col. Harold C. Johnson, director
Fairborn, OH
Chamber Ensembles
Phantom Regiment Drum Line
Marty Hurley, director
Rockford, IL