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The Midwest Clinic, held annually in Chicago since its inception in 1946 is the world’s largest instrumental music education conference. Now attended by an international audience of more than 17,500 music educators, students, and professionals, the conference began over 75 years ago as a way to introduce directors to new repertoire for their ensembles. While much has changed, The Midwest Clinic continues to honor its beginnings by presenting directors with this valuable resource through more than 50 concerts and new music reading sessions each year.

Concert programs present music at grade levels appropriate for a wide variety of ensembles, and balance new publications with more established compositions. The Midwest Clinic Board of Directors has carefully crafted program guidelines to ensure that the conference maintains its place as a leader in the ever-changing fabric of music education. When you apply to perform, you agree that if selected, your program will confirm and you will accept all of the responsibilities of this commitment, both organizational and financial. All application materials must be submitted electronically via the online performance application system.

The 2025  application  system is now open.  Performance  applications must be received by Friday,  March 7 and all three evaluations must  be  received  by  Friday,  March 14, 2025  in  order  for  the application to be considered.


PLEASE NOTE: If your ensemble was selected to perform at Midwest in the past, you must allow four years to pass before reapplying. Ensembles that performed in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 are ineligible to perform at the 2025 Midwest Clinic. All applicants should read the Frequently Asked Questions about performance applications located on our website:



  1. Unedited audio recordings (Total NOT to exceed 30 minutes in length)
    • Chamber & Percussion Ensembles:  Two selections of contrasting styles
    • Concert Band:  One symphonic selection (overture, tone poem, etc.) and one concert march (see list)
    • String or Chamber Orchestra: Two contrasting selections representing different historical periods, styles, and tempi (no solo repertoire/concerti)
    • Full Orchestra: Three selections contrasting historical periods, styles, and tempi (no solo repertoire/concerti) – one selection must be written for string orchestra 
    • Jazz Ensemble or Jazz Combo: Three selections in contrasting styles. Include no more than one work by any one composer or arranger. Middle schools graduating 75% or more of its members before December are encouraged to include one additional piece (audio and video recordings) performed by your second ensemble, if one exists.
  2. A video of your ensemble performing the same music as your audio recording. It must be a complete, unedited performance or rehearsal of the audio titles, but it need not be of the same performance or rehearsal.
    • For band and orchestra, the camera should be set in a location which allows the committee a front view of conductor’s gestures, posture, and also a view of the musicians.  The face of the conductor should be visible.  
    • For jazz, the camera should be set in front of the stage, showing a rearview of the director and the faces of the ensemble members. 
    • The maximum acceptable file size for a video is 500 MB.  Any file larger than that will not upload.  Click here for a short video on how to compress a video file.
  3. A roster of your current ensemble by instrumentation. Indicate players who will be leaving your ensemble prior to December 2025 with an asterisk.
    • Adult/Community Ensembles: please include the occupation of each ensemble member next to their name on the roster.
  4. Three evaluations from prominent directors who have worked with or heard your ensemble within the last year. Members of The Midwest Clinic Board of Directors are not eligible to submit evaluations.
  5.  High-resolution photos of yourself, your co-directors, and your ensemble.
  6. Three concert programs from the last two years.
  7. By submitting your application, you and your school officials are indicating acceptance of the policies set forth in this application, including your school's/government's commitment to support your appearance if your application is accepted.
  8. All applications now include a fee that must be paid prior to submission.  The fee for chamber and percussion ensembles is $50 and the fee for all other ensembles is $200.  The last portion of the application is the fee payment page.  All fees must be paid with credit card in order for the form to be submitted.  Checks sent to the office will not be accepted. If you have any questions or concerns about the fee, please contact The Midwest Clinic Office prior to submitting your application ([email protected]).
  9. Directors are required to attend a planning meeting in Chicago on Saturday, June 7, 2025 at McCormick Place.  Special consideration for International Ensembles may be considered.  Additional information will be sent to the directors of ensembles who are invited to perform.