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Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp Festival Band
Harry Begian, director
Twin Lake, MI

The Colony High School Wind Symphony
Dick Clardy,  director
The Colony, TX
Davis High School Wind Ensemble
Steven R. Hendricks, director
Kaysville, Utah
Dulles Middle School Honor Band
Lisa Drew and Joe Pruitt, directors
Sugar Land, TX
Grande Banda Rappresentativa 
Della Federazione Dei Corpi Bandistici 
Della Provincia Di Trento
Marco Bazzoli, director
Trento, Italy
Hill Country Middle School Symphonic Band
Cheryl Floyd, director
Austin, TX
Irmo Middle School Honor Band
David C. Woodard, Jr. and Kenneth D. Turner, directors
Columbia, SC
Libertyville High School Wind Ensemble
Donald Shupe and Randy Sundell, directors
Libertyville, IL
Liverpool High School Symphonic Band
James R. Spadafore, director 
Liverpool, NY
United States Marine Band “The President’s Own”
Lieutenant Colonel Timothy W. Foley, director
Washington, DC
United Township High School Symphonic Band
David W. Maccabee, director
East Moline, IL
VanderCook College of Music Band
Charles T. Menghini, director
Chicago, IL
Amarillo High School Symphony Orchestra
Roger Edwards, director
Amarillo, TX
Bonanza High School Orchestra
Shelly Burger, directors
Las Vegas, NV
Civic Orchestra
Cliff Colnot, director
Chicago, IL

Macario Garcia Middle School Symphony Orchestra
Ann Victor and James Drew, directors
Sugar Land, TX
Plano Senior High School Symphony Strings
Kathleen L. DeBerry, director
Plano, TX
Wichita High School East Symphony Orchestra
Ingri Fowler, director 
Wichita, KS
Jazz Ensembles
The DePaul University Jazz Ensemble
Bob Lark, director
Chicago, IL
Miami Senior High Jazz Ensemble
Michele Fernandez Denlinger, director
Miami, FL
The Southwest Missouri State University Jazz Band
Jerry Hoover, director
Springfield, MO
The United States Navy Commodores
MUCM Leland Gause, director
Washington, DC
Chamber Ensembles
Percussion One: The Ensemble
Lamar D. Burkhalter and Eric Harper, directors
Houston, TX

Alan C. Pope High School Percussion Ensemble
David Starnes, Tony Sawyer, and Gary Gribble, directors
Marietta, GA

United States Marine Band Chamber Ensembles
Washington, DC
Lieutenant Colonel Timothy W. Foley