Denny Senseney
Has Attended the Midwest Clinic: I started attending the Midwest Clinic in the early 1980's. 25 Years would be a safe number of years attended.
Joined the Board of Directors in: 1999
A Life in Music: I taught instrumental music in the Kansas public schools for 9 years before starting a school-music business in WIchita. Our business called upon 100 school district music programs providing products and services of value to music educators, their students and families. During the past 30 years I have had the privilege of serving as President of the Retail Print Music Dealers Association and the National Association of School Music Dealers; and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Midwest Clinic, NAMM, and VanderCook Colllege. The Midwest Clinic has many fond memories. In the early years it was such a professional boost to get to know composers, arrangers, publishers, music educators and leaders from all aspects of our profession and industry. Midwest is the place where we all come together as a profession for the purpose of improving our service to band and orchestra directors and students.
Favorite Midwest Moments: My favorite memories center around the people I have gotten to meet and know. The leaders of yesterday, today and tomorrow can be found in the hallways of Midwest. I can't wait to renew the friendships each year built over a lifetime.
Hopes for Midwest Clinic Attendees: A renewed dedication to serving their students, a few additions to their 'bag of educational tools", a broadened perspective on the tradition of instrumental music education in the U.S., the inspiration of some exceptional musical performances, and a few new and lifelong friends.
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