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Every year, hundreds of music educators, musicians, and music industry professionals apply to present or perform at the Midwest Clinic. Our annual conference is one of the largest music-education focused gatherings in the world with over 18,000 attendees annually, and offers invaluable professional development opportunities for those at all stages of their careers.

Clinics may focus on all areas of instrumental music education: Band, Orchestra, Chamber Ensembles, Percussion, Jazz Ensemble, and general musicianship. They may also target any and all areas of music education, including: Administration, Beginning Instruction, Brass Pedagogy, Composing/Arranging/Repertoire, Conducting/Rehearsal Techniques, Diversity + Inclusion, Education Theory and Pedagogy, Emerging Music Educators (College Students & First 5 Years), Health and Wellness, Jazz, Leadership, Percussion Pedagogy, Strings, Technology, Woodwind Pedagogy, Small Schools, Time Management/Job Sustainability, and more. 



Anyone with expertise in music education and performance may apply to present a clinic, and clinics may have up to five total clinicians as panelists or presenters. Typically, clinics are presented by educators at all levels (elementary, middle school, high school, and university), including directors, program administrators, and teachers; by professional musicians and conductors; or by music education industry veterans and innovators. We highly encourage anyone interested in presenting a clinic to apply. For more details on how to apply as a clinician, visit our FAQs page

Performances have always been at the heart of the Midwest Clinic, serving as a means to showcase not only the best ensembles around the world, but also to introduce directors to new repertoire for their students. Each year, the conference presents over 50 performances and new music reading sessions. 


Any ensemble may apply to perform. Performing groups fall into different categories based on their instrumentation, membership, and size. Instrumentation groups include: Chamber and Percussion Ensembles, Concert Bands; String or Chamber Orchestras; Full Orchestras; and Jazz Ensembles. Within each instrumentation group, performers are classified by membership: Elementary; Middle School/Junior High; High School; College/University; Adult/Community Band; Professional Ensemble; Small School (for schools with a total enrollment of <650). For full details, visit our application requirements and FAQs pages.

Application Timeline
Online applications for performers and clinicians open annually in February and close in early-March for the December conference. Applicants are typically notified in mid-April if they have been accepted or not to perform or present at that year’s clinic.