December, 15, 2021
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
W 190
High School String Orchestra
Performer Details
Performer Bio Synopsis
Perrysburg High School offers five different string orchestras and a full symphony orchestra. PHS Select Strings is a class designed for the advanced high school musician. Select Strings studies and performs Ohio Music Educators Association (OMEA) high school Class AA and college literature. Select Strings performs 8-10 times per school year. Small chamber ensembles from Select Strings regularly perform throughout the community for various church services, wedding ceremonies, nursing homes, graduations and community functions.
Since its inception in 2016, Select Strings has received straight Superior ratings at OMEA State Competition and multiple World Strides Gold ratings and Adjudicator's Awards in Nashville, Chicago and New York. In 2018 and 2020 members of Select Strings performed for OMEA State Conventions in Columbus and Cincinnati. In 2017 and 2020 Select Strings performed at the American String Teachers Association (ASTA) National Convention in Pittsburgh and Orlando, placing third both times.
Many of the students in Select Strings teach privately through the "Strings on Fire!" summer lesson program, participate in the Perrysburg Orchestra Mentorship Program (assisting at junior high and elementary concerts), and perform with The Toledo Symphony Youth Orchestra, Perrysburg Symphony Orchestra and PHS Symphony Orchestra. Outside of orchestra many of the students are involved in athletics, clubs, college classes and volunteer regularly throughout the Perrysburg community.
Perrysburg High School Select Strings
Conductor's Bio
Michael Smith, received a Bachelor Degree of Music Education and a Master Degree of Trumpet Performance from Bowling Green State University, an Educational Specialists Degree of Administration from The University of Toledo, and in 2021 successfully completed the Administrative Licensure program from Concordia University of Chicago receiving an administrator’s license for the state of Ohio. Michael’s career at Perrysburg High School (PHS) began in 1997. Since then, the PHS Orchestra program has grown from one orchestra of 11 members to over 250 students participating in six different high school orchestras. Since 2001 PHS Orchestras have received 48 Superior ratings at Ohio Music Educators Association (OMEA) State Orchestra Competition and have performed multiple times at OMEA State Conventions in 2007, 2009, 2018, 2020 and 2021. Under his direction, members of Select Strings performed at the 2017 American String Teacher Association (ASTA) National Conference in Pittsburgh and finishing third. In 2020 Select Strings once again performed at ASTA in Orlando Florida also placing in third. PHS Orchestras have performed throughout Hungary, England, New York, Nashville, Chattanooga, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago. In 2014 Michael was awarded the Buckeye Cable Arts Network (BCAN) Teacher of the Month, and was semi-finalist for The BCAN Teacher of the Year. Michael was presented the Outstanding Teacher of the Year for Perrysburg High School in 2018 and in 2001 he was the recipient of the Teacher of The Year Award for the entire Perrysburg School District. Currently, Michael serves as OMEA District 1 High School Honors Orchestra Chair, NW Region Orchestra President and Chair, OMEA NW Large Group State Orchestra Chair, and continues to perform (since 1994) with The Academy Brass Quintet throughout Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.