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Janet Farrar-Royce

Janet Farrar-Royce

Getting Started with Fiddling, A First Tune and Creating a String Band

Clinic Synopsis:

Watch or join in with Middle school string students learning their first fiddle tune and techniques; and how to create their own arrangement and "Informance" dialogue for a string band performance. Learn how fiddling will help you meet all nine National Standards of Music Education and many mainstream string curriculum issues while teaching your students to make intelligent musical decisions for improvising and arranging music with less time and effort than you may think.

Janet Farrar-Royce - Biographical Information

For more than 30 years Janet Farrar-Royce has been a professional violist, fiddler and string teacher. She founded a Youth Orchestra, two camps and a music school. Jan was one of the first MENC On-line MENTORS and ASTA’s Alternative Styles committee members. She was highlighted in ASTA’s Teaching Alternative Strings in the Classroom DVD and is one of Yamaha’s first Certified String Educators. Jan’s articles and reviews can be seen regularly in several professional magazines and journals and she keeps a busy schedule of conducting and giving workshops and school residencies throughout the country. She teaches summer graduate music education courses at several universities and is the Music Education instructor for Yale University. Jan also teaches elementary and middle school strings in Cheshire, Connecticut.
