Wage Music: Making Your Program Indispensable Through Connection
Chamber (Music) is in Session: Student Led Ensembles That Make Your Job Easier
A Question of Proportion and Ethics: Synthetic Sounds in “Live” Marching Bands
Understanding Oboe Idiosyncrasies: A Guide for Educators, Arrangers and Composers
Exercises for Conductors: How to Eliminate Bad Habits and Improve Technique
Practical Guide to Improving Musicianship in Band and Orchestra
Programming Your Jazz Band for Success: Making the Chart Fit Your Band
Adopt, Adapt, Improve: Utilizing Effective Choral Techniques in the Wind Band Rehearsal
Small School Rehearsal Lab - High School Band
If You PLAY Something, SAY Something!
Rehearsal Lab - Middle School Orchestra
Strengthening Individual Musicianship and Ensemble Performance Through Creativity
Yes, You Can! A Band Director's Survival Guide to Teaching Strings
T.R.I.A.D. - Using a Simple Acronym to Help Structure Your Rehearsals
Afro-Cuban Jazz and Beyond
The Midwest Clinic Jazz Interview with DownBeat Magazine Featuring Ignacio Berroa
Before the Double Bar: Insights into the Creative Processes of Five Composers
Directors for Diversity: Grade 1-4 Band Works by Women
How to Start Strong and Sound Great on the Oboe
The Art of the Sousa March
Opening the Door Wider: Panel on Women Composers of Wind Music
Hidden Gems for Chamber Winds: Practical Works for Bands with Limited Student Resources
Percussion 101 Refresher
If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me
Teachers Who Do: A Mobile Approach to Music Education
Tips To Give the Jazz Band Guitarist
We've Got Trouble! Choosing Appropriate Literature for Your Large Instrumental Ensembles
Performance Techniques for the Young Timpanist
Things You Think Aren't Important Because They're Not About Music
Unlocking Student Musicianship in the Large Ensemble
Exploit the Power of Arts Education
Strings 101: The Science, History, and Care of Strings
Surviving and Thriving: Urban Instrumental Music Education
Surviving a Concert Day Woodwind Repair Emergency
Jazz Rehearsal Techniques and Strategies
The Midwest Clinic Jazz Performance Application Workshop: Advice from the Board
Connect 4: Practical Music Advocacy Communication Strategies
Spin, Press, Slide: Launching Electronics into the Music Curriculum
Coping with Hearing Loss in the Music Education Setting: Teacher and Student
Assess for Success: Efficient and Effective Assessment Practices for the High School Band
Sight-Reading In the Band Room: Current Practices and Trends
Impacting State Education Policy – It Can Be Done!
Clarinet Deconstructed! Breaking Down the Instrument to Build Up Your Section
LIVE in 3-2-1: Creating an Engaging Online Concert Experience
Digital Workflows for Musical Directors
From Fundamentals to Fun: A Curriculum for Building Strong Small School or Single Director Programs
So Helpful for Smaller Bands! Practical Use of Flexible Instrumentation
Tuning Tips and Tricks for Your Brass Section
Rehearsal Lab - High School Orchestra
Speaking Bass: How to Communicate Effectively with your Double Bass Section
Nurturing the Master Teacher: Effective Rehearsal Evaluation
Strategies for Improving the Tone Quality of Your Orchestra
Trumpet Pedagogy from Day One
Leveraging Technology To Create More Relevant and Efficient Assessment
There are NO “Bad Apples”: Strategies to Reach and Keep “Challenging” Students in Your Band Program
Breathing Life into Your Reed Section
Finding the Art Within: Look Closer, Connect the Dots, and Find the Curves
The Doctor is in: Tips for Keeping a Healthy and Happy Ensemble
Trombone Pedagogy from Day One
Learn to Think “Principal” and Increase Your Professional Credibility and Effectiveness
The Habit Loop and Applications to Rehearsal Strategy
Addressing the Critical Need to Develop Student Leaders in Challenging Times and Places
Music Made Well: Improving the Mental Health and Well-Being of Music Educators
It's All About the Bow! The Best Strategies for Developing a Beautiful Tone in Beginners and Beyond
Slides, Sticks, Reeds, and Valves: How to Keep the Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion Moving in the Same Beginning Band Class
Euphonium Pedagogy from Day One
The Lighter Side of Life - Making the Move from Band to Orchestra
Excellence and the Inclusive Ensemble
Paul Rolland Pedagogy in the Orchestra Classroom
Adventures In Band Building: How To Turn a Less-Than-It-Could-Be Into a More-Than-It-Should-Be
Big Dreams, Little Resources: Maximizing Success in Your First Years Teaching in a Title I School
Warm-ups and Rehearsal Strategies that Build Better Musicianship - The Ears Have It!
Traits and Characteristics of a Successful Secondary Music Teacher
A Little Bit of...Pace...Time: Getting the Most from Your Orchestra Rehearsals
Big Ideas in a Small School
Retaining the Tech-Savvy Generation
Copyright: A Composer, a Teacher, and a Lawyer
From Greenwillow to Green Bushes in Five Years
How to Succeed in Your Next (or First!) Job
Beginning Strings: The First Two Years Are Critical
Motivating the Musical Mind: Proven Research-Based Strategies for Igniting a Drive to Musical Success in Your Students
Auditions: Demystifying the Experience
The Heart of the Matter: Selecting and Rehearsing Slow Repertoire
I'm a Survivor!! Navigating the Amazing Race of Instrumental Music Teaching
Not Your Dream Job: How to be Successful in a Less Than Ideal Situation
The Fabulous Front-Row: Optimizing Your Flute Section
Don't Burn Out! Ideas and Techniques for a Lasting Career as a Music Educator
Horn Pedagogy from Day One
Teaching Globally: International Opportunities in Music Education
Habits of a Successful Orchestra: Teaching Concert Music and Achieving Musical Artistry with School String Orchestras
Finger Pattern Exercises: Repetitive, Variable, and Fun!
Tuba Pedagogy from Day One
Beginning Band Basics: Daily Workouts and Techniques to Energize and Motivate the Beginning Band Student
5 Concepts for Enhanced Communication from the Podium
Creating Connections: Effectively Using Social Media for Music Programs
Improvising on the Blues
It's the Pits! (That's a Good Thing) Tips for a Successful Musical Experience
The Bocalphone: Teaching Fundamentals for Bassoon and Other Winds Using the Reed and Bocal
Producing Productive Percussionists
Creative Rehearsal Techniques from Around the Country
Strategies for the Successful Small School Band and Orchestra Director
Expanding Horizons: World Music in the Bandroom
Own It! Rehearsal Techniques that Increase Student Ownership and Musical Success
Meaningful Score Study: Unraveling the Composer's Intent
0-5: The Developmental Years of a Band Director
Title I School Model Arts Integration Grades 6-12
David Maslanka: A Retrospective
From Don Juan to Hot Cross Buns
Ruffles and Flourishes – Fanfares for Presidents and World Events
Why Should I Care About This Music?: Increase Ensemble Engagement in Rehearsal by Connecting Lived Experiences to the Repertoire
Bridging the Gender Gap: Developing Strategies for Creating Equity in Ensemble Programming
Addressing and Managing the Stress of your Students, Staff, and Yourself
An Interview with John Whitwell
Musical Percussionists: How to Communicate with Percussionists?
Talkin' the Lingo to the Winds in Your Full Orchestra!
Teaching the Art of Music for Meaningful Student Assessment
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