Score study is an area of preparation which can get short changed in the shuffle of our busy lives. This clinic will provide a different perspective on how to analyze a score in a manner that deepens student comprehension, fosters independence, and leads to meaningful and outstanding performances. Using the Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance model, participants will experience a fresh, relevant approach to score analysis in a hands-on environment.
Matt Temple
- Biographical Information
Matt Temple is Director of Bands at New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois. Under Mr. Temple’s direction, the New Trier Symphonic Wind Ensemble has performed at the Midwest Clinic, Music for All National Concert Band Festival, University of Illinois Superstate Festival, and Chicagoland Invitational Concert Band Festival. In 2014, the New Trier band program was awarded the inaugural Blue Ribbon Award for “Programs of Excellence” by the National Band Association.
Mr. Temple is a Contributing Editor for the Instrumentalist magazine and serves as the North Central Division Chair for the National Band Association. He is also currently President of the Illinois committee for Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance (CMP). Mr. Temple has presented sessions on music selection, analysis, student-centered instruction, and innovative band curriculum at multiple universities, state music conferences, and the Midwest Clinic.
Mr. Temple earned a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a master’s degree in conducting from Eastern Illinois University, and a master’s degree in educational leadership through Aurora University. He has been elected into the prestigious American Bandmasters Association and is a member of the honorary society, Phi Beta Mu.
Josh Chodoroff was appointed Director of Bands at Highland Park High School in 2014. Under his direction, the HPHS Wind Symphony performed at the 2017 Illinois Music Educators Conference, and has also performed at Chicago’s Symphony Center. Prior to teaching at HPHS, Mr. Chodoroff taught at Waubonsie Valley High School in Aurora, IL. While there, the WVHS Wind Ensemble performed multiple times at the University of Illinois Superstate Band Festival and as a clinic band at the 2008 Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. During his tenure, the Waubonsie Valley Music Department was twice named a Grammy Gold Signature School by the Grammy Foundation.
In 2014, Mr. Chodoroff was named a semi-finalist for the Grammy Music Educator Award, honoring him as one of the top-25 music educators in the country. He has been the recipient of the Chicagoland Outstanding Music Educator Award and the Citation of Excellence from the National Band Association. Mr. Chodoroff is a member of Phi Beta Mu, and serves on the Illinois committee for Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance. He has also been a presenter at the Illinois Music Educators All-State Conference and Northwestern University on the subjects of music advocacy, music literacy, and music analysis.
Josh Chodoroff is a graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he graduated summa cum laude with a bachelors in music education. Mr. Chodoroff was a trumpet student of David Bilger, Principal Trumpet of the Philadelphia Orchestra. He also holds a masters degree in music from Northern Illinois University, and a masters degree in educational leadership from Concordia University.