The Pedagogics Project – Masterclass Instruction for Brass and Woodwind Students
The Midwest Jazz Interview
Getting Their Story Right: What Composers Want You to Know About Interpreting Their Music
Keep 'Em Once You Have 'Em
Is it Supposed to Sound Like That? Fundamental Tuning and Blending Exercises for Oboe and Bassoon
Day One - Bassoon
Habits of a Successful Beginning Strings Class
Product Showcase: Foundations: Hiding the Vegetables in Awesomesauce
Product Showcase: Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Building or Renovating Your Music Facility
CHAT Room: Meeting the Needs of Students in Today’s Changing World
The Crescendo of Success Starts Here: Strategies for a Stellar First-Year Student Experience in Band
Believe: Applying the Wit & Wisdom of Ted Lasso to the Classroom
Mastering the Clarinet: Inside the Practice Room With Julian Bliss
Why Can't We All Just Get Along? Establishing Supportive Relationships Between Band and Orchestra Programs
From Reading to Walking: Basic Techniques for Jazz Bass Line Construction
Product Showcase: Motivate, Retain, And Excite Students With Three Remarkable Resources
Lessons Learned From the Evaluator’s Table for an Expressive & Authentic Performance
Small School Demonstration Clinic
Ask, Decide, Act: A Conductor's Introduction to Score Study
Tips to the Non-percussionist Band Director for Teaching Beginning Snare Drum
Squirrel! Being Present in a World That Doesn’t Want Us to Be
Celebrating the Art of Donald Hunsberger: A Conversation
Incorporating Improvisation Into Your Beginning Strings Program Even if Improvising Is Not Your Thing
Developing Great Sound - “Listen Within the Circle, Individually”
Developing and Maintaining a Parent Orchestra
Essential Fundamentals for Connecting the Clarinet's Registers
Grow Your Programs With Data (And Look like a Rockstar Doing It): A Roadmap for the Performing Arts Educator
The Access Collective: Creating Connections Through Music by Embedding IDEA in Your Music Curriculum, Panel Discussion
CHAT Room: Ancora Imparo - I Am Still Learning!
CANCELED Chat: Tired of the 3 B's (Britten, Bartok and Barber)? Neglected Masterworks for School Orchestras
Teaching Improvisation in the Big Band Setting
The Future Band Director’s Top Ten: What You Can Do NOW Before You Start Your First Job
Mallets and Cymbals and Snares, Oh My! A Percussion Methods Reboot Focusing on Improved Fundamentals And Pedagogical Strategy
CHAT Room: A Chat with Jerriald Dillard
What You Need to Know if You Are Applying to Present or Perform at Midwest
CHAT Room : A Chat with Midwest President, Dr. Rodney Dorsey
Jazz New Music Reading Session
Recording for the 21st Century Classroom
Product Showcase: Clean Drill from Day One
I Love This Place: Recruitment, Retention, and Culture in the Post-covid Music Classroom
S.H.O.P. Talk: Promoting Purpose Through Pedagogy and Programming in the Non-music Major Collegiate Band
REPENT! Shun These Sins...and...Make Great Music
Product Showcase: Enhance Your Rehearsal Experience with the Beam Music app
Architecting Exceptional Music Programs: The Fine Arts Administrator at Work
The Need for Speed: Compose More Efficiently, Effectively, Quickly and Consistently
Building Teamwork in the Music Performance Classroom...and What to Do When Things Go Wrong
Beyond the Buzzwords: Navigating Divisive Concepts in Our Instrumental Music Programs
Engaging the other 80%: Empowering Students Through Music Technology
Product Showcase: Harmonizing with Haynes: Elevate Your Ensemble's Sound with Haynes Flutes
Assessment Strategies for Ensembles
High School String Orchestra Rehearsal Lab
Wait! Don’t Go!: Improving Retention in School Bands and Orchestras
Teaching the Band You Have to Develop the Program You Want: A Resource-Based Approach to Improvement or Revitalization
Useful Strategies for the Title 1 Emergent Bilingual Band Hall
Diagnosing Your Orchestra: Common Pedagogical Ailments with Technique-Based Remedies
Beyond the Score: Integrating Composition into Rehearsals for Deeper Learning
Beautiful Bow Arms: Essentials for Tone Development in Orchestra
Making it Less Scary: Rehearsing and Performing Electroacoustic Works with Your Ensemble
Secrets to Efficient Middle & High School Orchestra Rehearsals That Lead to Artistic Performances
Paying it Forward: Mentoring Student Teachers
Expression Unleashed: Elevating Ensemble Musicianship
Por La Cultura: A Melodic Fusion of Tradition and Innovation for Latino Student Engagement
The New Canon Project: When Partnerships Bring New Works From New Voices to Developing String and Vocal Ensembles...
Slip & Slide: Proven Techniques to Build Your Trombone Section
"The Kaminsky Method": Developing Balance, Blend, and an Accurate Center of Pitch in the Wind Band
Making Good Choices: Selecting the Correct Repertoire for Your Beginning or Intermediate Jazz Ensemble
Grow and Cultivate Your Small School Band Program
S.H.O.P. Talk: Yoga for the Instrumental Conductor
Product Showcase: Getting in Gear: Fundamental Warm Ups for String Orchestra
It’s Still All About the Bass: Set up Your Beginner Tubas for Success
Music Parents Session
Emerging Music Educators Keynote
Viola Day for Violinists - A New Approach to Mastering the Alto Clef in a Few Hours
Understanding Difficulty Levels in Band Compositions: Insights From Concert Band Composers and Editors
Product Showcase: Bass Clarinet Bootcamp: Turning Noise into Notes, One Squeak at a Time
S.H.O.P. Talk: It’s Time to Teach Music Production! Now What? Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
CHAT Room: A Chat with John Mackey
Teaching Musicality Through Tone Production: Expanding Your Students’ Sound Palette
Grainger to the Fore! The Percy Grainger Manuscripts: Resources for Insuring Error-Free and Historically Accurate Performances
Developing The Young Band Sound
Jazz for Leadership: What Administrators Can Learn From A Century of Jazz
Product Showcase: Breezin’ Thru Fingerings: New, Fun & Faster Learning – Try It!
Preparing for the Podium
Day One - Oboe
Band New Music Reading Session
Orchestra New Music Reading Session
Building Blocks of a Flute-tastic Sectional
I Love My Job but It's Killing Me
CANCELED-Booster Club Legal Pitfalls 501(c)3 or not.. THAT, is (are) the (multiple) question(s)!
Product Showcase: Education Insights Through the Composer's Eyes
Mindful Rehearsals to Maximize Learning
Accentuate the Accessories
Conducting Sincerely: Lessons from Alsop, Dudamel, Stravinsky, and 3-Year-Old Jonathan
CHAT Room: A Chat with Yukiko Nishimura
A Modern Approach to Trumpet Pedagogy
Product Showcase: Get to the ‘Good Stuff’ Faster with MusicFirst, Sight Reading Factory and PracticeFirst
Playing “Both Sides” of the Saxophone
Classroom Management (and Other Survival Tactics!) for Young Performing Ensembles
Product Showcase: Teaching Bass for the Non-bassist at All Levels
String Keynote: The Power of Possibility featuring Kittel & Co.
Product Showcase: Motivating Your String Students to Practice with MakeMusic Cloud
Product Showcase: The Yamaha Harmony Director HD300 - The Ultimate Rehearsal Assistant
High School Band Rehearsal Lab
S.H.O.P. Talk: How Embracing Routine Saved Me From Burnout
Weapons of Brass Destruction: A Fundamental Approach to Developing Middle School Brass Students
The Difference Between a Good Conductor and a Great Conductor
Reynolds Conducting Institute
Reynolds Conducting Institute Concert
Through My Music: Inspiring the Next Generation of Leaders
The Flute Ensemble: An Extension of Flute Teaching
Product Showcase: Performance Breathing for Your Band Using the Individual Breathing Assistant
Product Showcase: Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician
Teaching Your Ensemble to Swing: Learn From the Greats!
Podium Awareness: Inspired Strategies to Grow Conductor Listening
Pitch is a B*$%!: Improving Ensemble Intonation
Crossing the Great Divide: An Instrumental Director's Guide to Choral Directing
Tuba and Euphonium Fundamentals and Daily Routines – Practical Hints and Exercises to Energize Students of All Ages
Filling in the Gap: Mastering the Second Year of Band
Started From the Bottom... Blueprints for Building a Culture That Breeds Success, No Matter What!
S.H.O.P. Talk: The Little Band That Could - Using Small Ensembles and Chamber Music to Build Your Small School Band Program
So, Your Contest Didn't Go As Planned...What's Next?
Redefining Rehearsal: A Student-Centric Approach to What, Why, and How We Teach
Becoming the Leader Your Students Need
Elevating the Small-School Music Education Experience
Teaching in the Trenches: Why Urban Schools Need You & Why It’s Worth It
A Conversation with Mallory Thompson
A Connected Conductor: The Nexus of Artistry, Technique, and Emotion
It's All About the Rhythm (Section): The Key to Jazz Ensemble Success
The Duality of Jazz Improvisation
Tongue-Tied?: A Guide to the Flute Articulation for the Music Educator
Stories From the Orchestra Room: No Reason to Panic, a Guide to Teaching Strings for All
Product Showcase: Enhancing the Classroom Experience with the TonalEnergy App
Middle School String Orchestra Rehearsal Lab
Resilience as a Music Educator
Symphony of Solutions: Taming the Unique Challenges of the Clarinet and Bass Clarinet
The Band Director’s Toolbox: Fusing Innovative Programming and Immersive Ensemble Rehearsal Techniques.
Teaching Through Rain, Sleet, Snow, and a 7th Grade Fire: Individualized Assessment for Beginning Band
CHAT Room: A Chat with the British Royal Marines Band Service
Balance: Not Just in Music, but in Your Life
Celebrating and Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse Students in the Music Classroom
No Money, No Sectional Staff, No Problem! Growing Something Out of Nothing in a Small School Band
The History of the Midwest Clinic -- What a Story!
S.H.O.P. Talk: Using and Creating Podcasts to Improve Your Teaching
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