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December, 19, 2024
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM




Tim Lautzenheiser

Tim Lautzenheiser

David Vandewalker

David Vandewalker

Music Parents Session

Clinic Synopsis:

Parents play a critical role in not only a music program’s success but also in that of the profession. Spend a few minutes with the incomparable “Dr. Tim” as he says ‘Thank You’ to all parents for their incredible dedication to their children and music education. Additionally, some special guests will stop by to share information about how to secure college scholarships in music (even non-majors!), parents’ roles in music programs, and much more. Open to any music parent attending the conference.

Tim Lautzenheiser - Biographical Information

Tim Lautzenheiser serves as Senior Vice President of Education for Conn Selmer, Inc. His career spans ten years of college band directing at Northern Michigan University, the University of Missouri, and New Mexico State University. After serving as Executive Director of Bands of America, he created Attitude Concepts, Inc. to accommodate the many requests for student leadership workshops, convention speaking and professional development presentations for educators. Tim's books, produced by G.I.A. Publications, are best-sellers in the music profession. He is also co-author of Hal Leonard's popular band method, Essential Elements.

David Vandewalker - Biographical Information

David W. Vandewalker is the Coordinator of Performing Arts for Fulton County Schools (Atlanta, GA) supporting the music education and music therapy faculty in 57 elementary schools, 19 middle schools, and 17 high schools who serve nearly 100,000 students.  He earned degrees at Baylor University, Central Michigan University, and Boston University where he received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Music Education. As a performer, Dr. Vandewalker enjoys artistic development as a vocalist, cellist, and clarinetist with twenty-seven years of teaching experiences spanning elementary, middle school, high school, and higher education as a conductor of both choral and instrumental ensembles. Additionally, David studied with Jos Wuytack, student and friend of Carl Orff, for his Orff-Schulwerk Level 2 certification and served as a lead curriculum writer for both Cobb County School District and the Georgia Department of Education. He is the founding artistic director and conductor of the professional ensemble, Cobb Chamber Winds, and the administrator, artistic director, and principal conductor of the Metropolitan Atlanta Youth Wind Ensemble.  Most recently, Dr. Vandewalker served as the associate director of athletic bands/ assistant director of bands at Georgia State University (2012-2016) and Director of Bands at Harrison High School in Kennesaw, Georgia (2000-2012). A Conn-Selmer Artist/Educator, he has led concerts before esteemed audiences such as the CBDNA/NBA Southern Division Conference, Music for All National Concert Festival, and the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic. Marching Bands under his direction received honors including participation in the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, 2009 & 2014 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, ranked top-ten nationally by the 2013 College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA), and Bands of America Grand National Finalist (Top 12).  As an avid supporter of new music for the wind band, David W. Vandewalker consistently works with composers, arrangers, and performing artists in the wind band medium. Residencies and collaborations with composers and other conductors are integral to his creative work. Performances under his direction have received the praise of such notable composers/conductors as Steven Bryant, David Dzubay, John Mackey, Scott McAllister, Ray Cramer, Fredrick Fennell, Col. Arnold Gabriel, Gary Green, Michael Haithcock, James Keene, and Kevin Sedatole. Dr. Vandewalker is a recipient of the Sudler Flag of Honor, nine-NBA Citation of Excellence Awards, three National Wind Band Honors Awards, is recognized in multiple editions of Who's Who Among American Teachers, and is an elected member of the American Bandmasters Association.  He has published numerous articles in professional journals, chapters in multiple volumes of the Teaching Music Through Performance in Band book series (GIA) and Rehearsing the High School Band (Hal Leonard), books including Boosters to the Rescue, and Strategic Plans for a Successful Booster Club (GIA), and Foundations for Wind Band Clarity- Arrangements for Concert Band, Foundations for Wind Band Clarity- Instructional DVD, and Everyday Stuff Every Director Needs to Know (Vision Publications). Additionally, Vandewalker is a nationally-renown staff development presenter with multiple clinician appearances for GMEA, Music for All Summer Symposium, Smith Walbridge Directors Institute, Texas Bandmasters Association, and the Midwest Clinic. 
