Dick Dunscomb Interviews Frank Alkyer
How Do We Confront Racism in the Orchestra Classroom? A Courageous Conversation to Engage Responsible and Actionable Change
Innovative Middle School/High School Teaching
Welcome Message
Technology Tools to Enhance Engagement
Innovative Middle School Teaching
Brushes - Solving the Mystery for the Student AND the Teacher
Hope: The Musical Imperative Project
Jazz bass 101
Connecting the Dots...Taking the Mystery out of Improvisation
Getting to the Art of the Matter
Learning Swing Feel, or How to Sculpt an Elephant
Unlocking Standard Tunes: Use Your Keys!
Orchestra Keynote
Finding Our Way back
Swinging Strategies for Jazz Ensemble Guitarists
Beyond the Blues Scale: Harmonic Basics for Young Improvisers
Yikes! Now You're Teaching Jazz Band? You CAN start a solid program when only know a little.
Finding Our Way Back
Creating a Play-Along Video
What Makes a Great Conductor
Jazz for the UnCommon Band: Creating a successful arrangement with less than ideal instrumentation.
Afro-Cuban Rhythms
A Conversation with Arturo Sandoval
Simple Solutions for Virtual Performances
Jazz Theory for the Rest of Us
Mariachi for the Midwest: Fundamentals for Starting Your Own Mariachi Program
It's Deeper Than the Notes
Interview with Composer Omar Thomas
Brazilian Rhythms
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