Teachers are connecting and networking using the internet in the social network scene. See these tools that make your classroom hum along and how easy it is to set up a variety of sites and connection with others. Internet safety will also be discussed. A variety of sites offer different purposes. Have it all and collaborate across the world. Plus, everything listed is FREE!
Carol Broos
- Biographical Information
Mrs. Carol Broos teaches music with technology grades fourth through eighth at Sunset Ridge School in Northfield, Illinois. Her website, carolbroos.com won "Best in the Web" in 2007 by Digital Education. She was awarded the TechLearning "Leader of the Year 2007" Finalist, "Star Educator" from Discovery Education, the 2008 "Golden Apple" award and the "Mary Hoffman" award from IMEA in January of 2008. She traveled to Japan on a Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund teacher scholarship in October 2006, her website is featured on their website. Other websites include: beatechie.com, teachers post their work at musictechie.pbwiki.com for presentations. She started pod29 a "school-tube" for Sunset Ridge District #29. She has published articles for TI:ME and ICE and she presented at MENC, NECC, IMEA, MMEA, TI:ME, IL-TCE, ICE, and IETA.