This session will provide a practical process for developing and enhancing student musicianship in the first year of performance in band. Using proven techniques, this clinic will discuss establishing goals, finding repertoire to meet those goals, developing musical self-sufficiency, and evaluating success.
Dennis Fisher
- Biographical Information
Dennis Fisher is professor of music in Conducting and Ensembles, conducts the Symphonic Band, and is associate director of wind studies at the University of North Texas. Fisher has a wide range of experience and expertise as a conductor, arranger, clinician, educator, and consultant. He serves regularly as a clinician, conductor, and adjudicator throughout the United States has appeared internationally in Thailand, Greece, and Russia. He is also principal guest conductor of the Volga Band, a professional wind orchestra, in Saratov, Russia. Fisher has recorded extensively on the Mark, Klavier, and GIA labels. He is coauthor of “Teaching Music through Performance in Beginning Band,” Vol. 2, published by GIA, and editor/producer of the "Masters Conductors DVD Series." He is a member of TMEA, TBA, CBDNA, and ABA.