Music-Induced Hearing Loss: Adopting New Techniques for Safer Ensemble Rehearsals
Clinic Synopsis:
Ensemble rehearsals are, in many instances, loud. This clinic will present information on the hearing hazards that pervade ensemble rehearsals. Topics of discussion will include audiology, acoustics, research, new technologies, the responsibilities of the conductor and practical strategies for effective, yet safer ensemble rehearsals. Clinic participants will gain an increased awareness of the hearing hazards associated with ensemble rehearsals and new directions on improving such activities.
Douglas Owens
- Biographical Information
Dr. Douglas T. Owens is the F. Ludwig Diehn Endowed Chair of Instrumental Music Education at Old Dominion University. He earned the Doctor of Arts degree in Music at the University of Northern Colorado in 2003. Dr. Owens earned the Master of Music degree in 1986 and the Bachelor of Music Education degree in 1983, each from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Dr. Owens has directed band programs in from grade five through the university level. He continues to serve as a guest conductor, clinician and adjudicator of bands and jazz ensembles and performs trumpet in a variety of genres.
He has published musicians’ health related research appearing in Medical Problems of Performing Artists and The Instrumentalist. Dr. Owens has presented research at the meetings of the National Association for Music Education, the College Music Society, the National Hearing Conservation Association, the Performing Arts Medicine Association, and various state music educators association meetings.
Kris Chesky - Biographical Information
Dr. Kris Chesky is a musician, educator, and researcher. He is currently an Associate Professor within the College of Music at the University of North Texas. As Director of the Texas Center of Music and Medicine, Dr. Chesky has received research grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Grammy Foundation, NAMM, IFMR, the Scott Foundation, and others to study health issues related to learning and performing music. He won the 2010 National Hearing Conservation Association/NIOSH Safe-in-Sound Award for his efforts to prevent Noise Induced Hearing Loss in musician populations.
Amyn Amlani - Biographical Information
Amyn M. Amlani, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor on the faculty of the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of North Texas. Dr. Amlani holds the B.A. degree in Communication Disorders from the University of the Pacific, the M.S. degree in Audiology from Purdue University, and the Ph.D. degree in Audiology from Michigan State University. His research interests include the influence of hearing aid technology on
speech and music, and economic and marketing trends within the hearing aid industry.