This clinic will train educators to quickly assess which students have the potential to develop into strong tuba or euphonium players. Volunteers from the audience will join the clinician on stage to play the tuba or euphonium in order to demonstrate the “5 minute test drive” technique used for the assessment. Proven strategies for recruiting new low brass students, engaging their parents, training peer mentors, and quickly developing performance skills will also be presented.
Thomas Bough
- Biographical Information
Dr. Thomas Bough joined the faculty of Northern Illinois University in the fall of 2005 as the Director of Athletic Bands. He is a Yamaha sponsored artist, and a brass consultant with the Cavaliers Drum Corps. Bough has contributed over twenty articles to the Instrumentalist, School Band and Orchestra magazine, and DCI Today, as well as five volumes of the Teaching Music Through Performance series.
His music is published by Alfred, Cimarron Music and GPG Publications. He has served as a masterclass clinician for the Music For All Summer Symposium and the National Concert Band Festival for over a decade. He has presented masterclasses at the Eastman School of Music, the Crane School of Music, and the University of Michigan. Bough has presented workshops at the Midwest Clinic, four MENC regional conventions, as well as State Conventions in Illinois, Arizona, Iowa, Tennessee, Alaska, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, Colorado, Nebraska, Arkansas, North Carolina, Indiana and New Jersey.