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December, 17, 2015
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM




Kathleen Melago

Kathleen Melago

Using Technology to Improve Learning and Engagement in Instrumental Music

Clinic Synopsis:

In this session, participants will be exposed to numerous practical ways to use technology, including free apps and websites, to improve student learning and engagement and to manage assessment in performance-based instrumental courses. Participants are encouraged to bring laptops or tablets and to explore the technology as directed in the presentation. Handouts with detailed instructions on how to use the technology and suggested best practices will be provided.

Kathleen Melago - Biographical Information

Dr. Kathleen Melago serves as Assistant Professor of Music Education at Slippery Rock University and has served as the head of the music education program since she joined the faculty in August 2009. Kathy has taught music in Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Ohio, both in schools and privately. She currently serves as the state collegiate advisor for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association. Kathy frequently presents at state, regional, and national conferences, including recent presentations at the PMEA Conference in Hershey, PA; the International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education in Williamsburg, VA; and the NAfME Eastern Division Conference in Providence, RI. She also remains active as a flutist, and in 2014, she and Dr. Jennifer Laubenthal, assistant professor of clarinet at Eastern New Mexico University, premiered six new works for flute and clarinet that they had commissioned from six different composers.
