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December, 16, 2015
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM




Keith Ozsvath

Keith Ozsvath

Boost Your Technology Chops: Apps, Tools,and Online Resources for the Music Educator

Clinic Synopsis:

Do your technology chops need a jump start? Then you've come to the right place! The goal of this session is to present incredibly useful online tools, resources, and apps to enhance student learning and an educator’s professional development. A variety of technologies will be presented, including online assessment options, paperless classroom strategies, blended learning tools, video and audio technology, general productivity tools, and more. Educators of all proficiency levels with technology will take away new ideas from this session. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Keith Ozsvath - Biographical Information

Keith Ozsvath joined the music faculty at Rotolo Middle School in Batavia, Illinois in 1999 and teaches the 8th Grade Band, Jazz Ensemble and the Symphonic Band. As a dedicated middle school teacher, he is an active adjudicator and clinician in the Chicago area who is passionate about teaching, professional development, and integrating technology. He was recently awarded the Chicagoland Outstanding Music Educator award in 2015, been recognized twice by “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers” and is an Eagle Scout. Keith has been an Illinois Summer Youth Music conductor at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. As the Middle School Coordinator for Music for All, he is very excited to be planning and implementing the inaugural Middle School Concert Band Camp at the 2016 Summer Symposium held at Ball State University. He has presented additional sessions at the National Middle School Association Conference, Illinois Music Educators All-State Conference, and at VanderCook College of Music. He currently leads a week-long VanderCook MECA class - 'Tech Tools for the Music Educator' and is an instructor for 'You Made This! Website Design & Creation for Music Educators'.
