What makes a music ensemble teacher effective? We often "know IT when we see IT", but what is IT and can we be more purposeful in providing IT? Taken from research in and outside of music education, this session will provide suggestions on how to be effective for your ensemble, including new research from the perspective of ensemble musicians.
Charles Weise
- Biographical Information
Dr. Charles Weise teaches at South View Middle School in Edina, MN and holds degrees from the University of St. Thomas and Penn State University. Previous teaching positions have included both high school and elementary level band programs. Ensembles under Charles' direction have been selected to play at the Minnesota Music Educators Association (MMEA) Midwinter Clinic in 2013 and 2016, as well as the Wisconsin Chapter of National Band Association convention in 2018. He has also served as director of community bands, is in demand as a clinician and guest conductor, and is a National Board Certified teacher. Dr. Weise has presented on a variety of music education topics including repertoire selection, young teacher transitions, and chamber music in the classroom at regional and national clinics including the Wind Band Institute, MMEA Midwinter Clinic, the Thompson Symposium for Research in Music Education and the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic. In 2013, Dr. Weise founded Minnesota Junior Winds, an honors organization for students in grades 7-12 in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area. The group has grown to serve nearly 100 student musicians annually in two ensembles.
Dr. Weise has also been a supporter of new music, commissioning 17 works from composers such as Carol Brittin Chamber, Evan Williams, Stephanie Berg and Victoriano Valencia, while also supporting numerous consortiums. He is an active member of MBDA (Minnesota Band Directors Association) for which he chairs the Young Band Literature Session (YBLS) and is a Past-President. He is also an active member of the Minnesota Music Educators Association (MMEA), National Band Association (NBA), Phi Bet Mu (PBM) and American School Band Directors Association (ASBDA). In 2012, he received the ‘Distinguished Young Band Director Award’ from ASBDA and in 2018 was presented with an NBA Citation of Excellence.