Support and respect for a band program leads to a greater sense of pride and greater success. The “Chat” will include ways to create opportunities for involvement by band students, as well as band parents, to educate the community about the program and help to build a culture of support and respect.
Rebecca Warren
- Biographical Information
Rebecca Warren retired in 2020 after serving 40 years as a Band Director. In 2021, she founded Warren Music Consulting. Rebecca continues to serve the band community as a teacher, clinician, adjudicator, professional development speaker, and guest conductor. Mrs. Warren served as President-elect of the Alabama Bandmasters Association and President of the Alabama Music Educators Association. She also served as the West Region Band Representative to the NDMEA Board. Mrs. Warren has presented clinics throughout the southeast as well as North Dakota, South Dakota, Illinois and Iowa. She has presented multiple clinics at the Midwest Band Clinic in Chicago and been published in The Instrumentalist magazine. She served as All-State Conductor in Alabama and South Dakota as well as conductor at the International Music Camp in 2022. Professional affiliations include NAfME, North Dakota MEA, Alabama MEA, the National Band Association, and Phi Beta Mu. She currently resides in Mandan, ND with her husband John, also a Band Director, and their Golden Retriever, Bama.