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December, 19, 2022
12:15 PM - 01:15 PM




Terry Little

Terry Little

Assessment For Learning, Preparing all Students for Success

Clinic Synopsis:

How do we measure success in band and orchestra? The qualities of a successful musician, passion, flexibility, creativity, critical thinking, and persistence are difficult to quantify. Assessment for Learning fosters these attributes and puts assessments in place that advance learning and allow all students to achieve success. This session will define Assessment for Learning in the instrumental music classroom and give specific examples for implementation.

Terry Little - Biographical Information

Teresa Little is a music educator with more than thirty-five years of experience teaching instrumental music at all grade levels. She is currently employed in the Elmbrook School District in Brookfield, Wisconsin as K-12 Music Coordinator and Teaching and Learning Specialist. Teresa is passionate about using universal design and a personalized approach to music learning to engage and motivate students, connect with parents, and reach learners at all levels. Teresa holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and Master of Arts in Teaching from Cardinal Stritch University. She has previously presented her work at the 2022 Minnesota Music Educators Midwinter Conference, The 2019 Wisconsin Music Educators Conference, The National Band Association Conference, (Wisconsin Chapter) and The Wisconsin School Leaders Advancing Technology in Education Conference. She has led workshops for The Wisconsin Music Educators Association and Wisconsin Education Innovations, presented with students at the 2017 National Convening for Personalized Learning, and presented in April 2018 at Berklee School of Music’s “The Arts Better the Lives of Everyone” Assembly in Boston Massachusetts. Teresa was recognized in December 2015 by School Band and Orchestra Magazine as one of “50 Directors Who Make a Difference.”
