In the discussion of selecting diverse repertoire, many educators pay narrow attention to issues relating to race and gender rather than the multifaceted issues relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Song and Lewis will provide multiple jumping off points for conversation that dives deeper into the diversity discourse that is more suited for real life contexts.
Weston Lewis
- Biographical Information
Weston Lewis is currently pursuing a Doctor in Musical Arts degree in Wind Conducting at the University of Texas at Austin, where he serves as a graduate teaching assistant for the band department. He joined the UT Department of Bands in the Fall of 2021 and assists with all ensembles and undergraduate conducting courses. Weston holds an undergraduate degree in Music Education from the University of Houston (2014) and Master of Music in Conducting from Louisiana State University (2021).
Weston taught at Klein Oak High School from 2014-2019. In his role, he worked with all concert bands and oversaw the IB Music program. At Louisiana State University, Weston assisted with all ensembles including the Golden Band from Tiger Land, Bengal Brass, and the LSU Concert Ensemble. He was also a Co-Chair of the LSU School of Music Student Diversity and Inclusion Organization and is currently a chairperson for the Graduate Wind Conductors Association.
Christopher Song is
currently a Ph.D. student in Music Education with a minor focus on Curriculum
and Instruction at Louisiana State University. He holds assistantships in the
band and music education departments. Christopher serves as a graduate research
assistant for the music education faculty and teaching assistant and instructor
for music education courses. For the band department, Christopher serves as a
teaching assistant for the Tiger Band and concert ensembles. Prior to LSU,
Christopher taught as Assistant Band Director at Baines Middle School in
Missouri City, TX. He directed the Symphonic Band, Jazz Ensemble, and beginning
band classes. Christopher received a Master of Music Education from the
University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of
Houston. His master’s thesis is titled “Examining Cultural Identity in Houston-Area
Secondary Music Classrooms: Perceptions of Teachers and Students.” His primary
mentors include Ann Marie Stanley and Colleen Conway. Christopher’s research
interests include critical theory, curriculum theory, cultural identity,
culturally responsive education, and popular music pedagogy. He has presented
clinics and research at the Instrumental Music Teacher Educators Colloquium,
Louisiana Music Educators Association Conference, Texas Music Educators
Association Conference, and Texas Bandmasters Association Conference.