Growing Up Your Saxophone From Middle School To College
Clinic Synopsis:
Schmidt and Hutchins will engage in a dialogue of saxophone pedagogy for band directors, spanning the middle school through college years. Topics will include instrument and equipment selection, basic repair, beginning and advanced pedagogy, tone production, vibrato, articulation, auxiliary saxophones, intonation, literature selection, and equity.
Kyle Hutchins
- Biographical Information
Hailed as “epic” (Jazz Times), "formidable" (The Saxophone Symposium), and "gripping" (Star Tribune), Kyle Hutchins is an internationally acclaimed saxophonist. He has performed across five continents, recorded over two dozen albums, premiered hundreds of new works for the saxophone, and has authored a book and edited multiple anthologies of music for the saxophone. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Minnesota where he studied with legendary saxophonist Eugene Rousseau. Dr. Hutchins has served as Artist/Teacher of Saxophone at Virginia Tech since 2016. He is a Yamaha, Légère Reed, and E. Rousseau Mouthpiece Performing Artist.
Caitlin Schmidt - Biographical Information
An Austin, Texas native, Caitlin Schmidt is currently entering her fourteenth year of teaching and her second year as Director of Bands at Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas, TX. Prior to her appointment at Woodrow Wilson HS, Ms. Schmidt was the Head Band Director at JL Long Middle School for ten years.
As an active performer, Ms. Schmidt has performed as a saxophonist and freelance musician in the DFW and Austin areas. She was a founding member and soprano chair of the DWR Saxophone Quartet and also plays in an acoustic cover band with her father, Chris Schmidt, that performs at local venues and for charity events.
A cum laude graduate of the University of North Texas, Ms. Schmidt holds a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education where her primary saxophone teacher was Eric Nestler. During her time there, she was a member of the University of North Texas Lab Bands, University of North Texas Green Brigade, as well as the University of North Texas Symphonic Band. Ms. Schmidt is also a summa cum laude graduate from the University of North Texas Dallas where she holds a Masters of Education in Educational Leadership.
Ms. Schmidt was District Finalist for Teacher of the Year in 2020 and has been named a Quarterfinalist for Grammy Music Educator of the Year in 2021 and 2022. Ms. Schmidt is a member of the Texas Bandmasters Association, Sigma Alpha Iota, and MENC: The National Association of Music Education.