My clinic serves to create a successful band program no matter limitations or experience. Attendees will leave equipped with tools to instantly apply to their program. The session will cover the organization of the classroom, rehearsal methods, hand position, tone production, instrument maintenance, classroom management, and leadership. One hundred percent of students deserve a great band director and I believe in equipping teachers with the tools, methods, and techniques to become that.
Maria Menendez
- Biographical Information
Ms. Menendez, a native of Ontario, Canada, joined the Carrollton City School System as a band director in 2014. Ms. Menendez is an active teacher, player, and clinician outside of her daily schedule at Carrollton City Schools. In 2015 she presented at the Georgia Music Educators In-Service Conference in Athens, Georgia aimed at aiding young teachers beginning in the field. In 2018 she served as one of the guest conductors for the 2018 and 2022 Fayette County Sixth Grade Honor Band. Past awards include the Fred Factor Award (2016) awarded for going above and beyond as well as the University of West Georgia’s Graduate Studies Fellowship for Underrepresented Minority Students in 2017. In 2019, Ms. Menendez was named the CJHS Teacher of the Year! She is a graduate of Columbus State University and the University of West Georgia. At CJHS, Ms. Menendez serves as a member of multiple teams and committees. Under her direction, The Carrollton Junior High School Wind Ensemble performed at the Reinhardt University Middle School Honor Band as the guest band in October of 2022. In 2022, Ms. Menendez started a middle school honor band group entitled West Georgia Winds. This group aims to provide opportunities to middle school band members across the state who are eager to play literature outside of their classroom and become leaders in their band program. WGW is in its second year of existence and Maria currently serves as the Executive Director with plans of expanding to include a high school version in Fall of 2023. Ms. Menendez currently resides in Carrollton, Georgia.