We spend most of our time with students in rehearsals. Making the most of this time is critical to the success of our ensembles. Jazz bands have unique needs that must be addressed on a regular basis. A rehearsal that is a work of art addresses not only the music but engages the players in such a way that gives them ownership of their performance. This clinic will share strategies and hands on activities that have proven successful for jazz ensembles.
Dean Sorenson
- Biographical Information
Dean Sorenson is Associate Professor and Director of Jazz Studies at the University of Minnesota as well as a prolific and highly sought-after composer, arranger, trombonist, educator, and clinician. Dean’s latest recording project is COLORS OF THE SOUL, an album of original music for sextet. His most recent publications include THE TOTAL JAZZ THEORY WORKBOOK, EXCELLENCE IN JAZZ PEDAGOGY, and FIRST PLACE FOR JAZZ, a new and innovative method for beginning jazz players. He is the co-author of the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE JAZZ ENSEMBLE METHOD and ADVANCED JAZZ ENSEMBLE METHOD, an innovative and comprehensive series for middle school and high school jazz ensembles published by the Neil A. Kjos Music Company. He is also the author of JAZZ COMBO SESSION and FIRST JAZZ PERFORMANCE, also under the Standard of Excellence banner. He is frequently featured at festivals and conventions around the country and abroad. He also maintains a full schedule of concert and recording dates as a Yamaha performing artist. Mr. Sorenson has composed and arranged for numerous ensembles including the Glenn Miller Orchestra, the Airmen of Note, and the Minnesota Orchestra. He is active as a commissioned composer and arranger for jazz ensemble, symphony orchestra, concert band, and chamber ensembles, and has also written several sacred choral pieces. For more information, please visit www.deansorensonmusic.com.