Borders and Shine will describe how a CC, Title 1 middle school band program grew from 60 students to 300, with one-third of the school enrolled in band. These directors will present the tangible ways they got students and the community excited about the program and kept retention high, despite director changes, decreased school enrollment, and a global pandemic.
Jennifer Borders
- Biographical Information
Jennifer Borders is the Director of Bands for West Mesquite High School. She has been a Band Director for 21 years, 16 of which as a middle school band director. Under her direction bands have won consistent Sweepstakes awards as well as Best In Class awards. Mrs. Borders grew the Title 1 Vanston Middle School band program to over 300 members during her time there. She takes pride in growing large quality band programs and helping kids learn not only music but how to be a successful member of their community.
Professional affiliations include Texas Music Adjudicators Association, Texas Music Educators Association, and Texas Bandmasters Association.
Liz Shine is in her fourth year as the Director of Bands at Vanston MS. Ms. Shine took over the Vanston band during the middle of the pandemic. The band has continued to see success & re-growth during that time despite a director change, falling school enrollment & all the challenges the pandemic has presented. Professional Affiliations include Texas Music Adjudicators Association, Texas Music Educators Association & Texas Bandmasters Association.